Drugs to improve memory and brain function

The central nervous system is a thin and fragile structure. For dysfunction disorders, a slight jerk is sufficient in the form of poor blood circulation, trophic changes, and inflammatory processes.

All of these phenomena are potentially dangerous, causing neurological deficiencies since the early days.

Cognitive impairment is never intentional. Despite working too much, prolonged stress has an abnormal effect, through full diagnosis (chronic fatigue syndrome).

To correct this condition, it is necessary to treat the main pathological process and use a group of symptomatic drugs.

Pills to improve memory are common names for a number of drugs that restore cerebral blood flow, metabolic processes or indirectly affect the functional activity of the brain.

The effects can be very different, here is a little list of action principles:

  • Normalizes blood circulation in the central nervous system.
  • Restoration of speed and quality of metabolism, biochemical processes in the cerebral structure.
  • Delay of oxidative phenomena, restoration of brain cell integrity.
  • Removal of cholesterol deposits, mechanical restoration of blood flow.
  • Decrease or increase in blood pressure (depending on the nature of the pathological process).
  • Maintains the central nervous system in a normal state, activating the phenomenon of natural regeneration.

Each effect corresponds to one or more groups of drugs at once. Let's consider it in more detail.

Drugs and the uniqueness of its action

Medication of the type described below should not be taken without your doctor's consent. Indeed, some of them are safe, for example, the same vitamins. But with the excess of nutrients, it begins to damage the body.

In addition, serious side effects, including allergic reactions, may also occur.

Cerebrovascular medicine

In short, cerebral circulation correction. According to world statistics, trophic disorders in the central nervous system are one of the leading causes of death among the world's population. Conditions such as stroke, encephalopathy are known even to someone who does not have special medical knowledge.

All cerebral blood flow disorders inadvertently cause memory, thought, concentration, and learning disruptions. Gradually, they only got worse.

Cerebrovascular drugs are a large number of drugs, in the category of correction you can count about a hundred items.

If you mention the most popular and common medicine:


Basis of action - expansion of brain ducts, impaired penetration of calcium ions through the walls of large arteries.

At the same time, the drug does not affect the pressure in the ducts at all, so this drug can be prescribed to patients with pathology of the cardiovascular system at any stage of the disorder.

This drug has been around for a long time, but is still actively used, as it provides minimal side effects, is well tolerated and has a wide range of pharmacological activities.


Has similar properties, but is considered stronger. It is prescribed for ischemic processes in the brain. Included, as a method for rapid recovery after a stroke.

Cerebellar ischemia

Note: Unlike Cinnarizine, it lowers blood pressure slightly.

Portability is still good. It can be used as a drug for the prevention of CNS pathology.

Suitable for long term use.


Strictly speaking, not a cerebrovascular drug. This is a combination drug that can be described as a correction of the trophism of the central nervous system and at the same time as a nootropic. Piracetam increases brain activity, concentration, improves the ability to memorize information.

It is prescribed for patients with diseases of the cardiovascular system, secondary brain disorders, neuroendocrine abnormalities and other dangerous conditions. It is universal.

Good tolerance, given by the course. It is not recommended to use it for too long, as the effect is significantly reduced.

Hemoderivatives of depleted calf blood

This is a complex drug. It restores normal blood circulation in the brain, enhances its function, corrects metabolic processes, stimulates regrowth of cerebral tissue and increases efficiency.

Products are made based on calf blood components. Such proteins have enormous allergenic potential, so there is a risk of immune reactions, insufficient reactions on the part of the body's defenses.

It is advisable to increase the dose gradually and monitor the health condition carefully.

There are also herbal medicines, but they are not considered medicines. These are supplements, so you should not place serious expectations on them.

Each of the above groups is represented by several trade names (manufacturers register various variations).

Which medication to choose depends on the severity and characteristics of the clinical case. The solution to this problem remains at the discretion of the treatment specialist.

Cerebrovascular has different tolerances, has its own characteristics. The possibility of side effects is determined individually; if suspicious symptoms appear again, you should contact your specialist.


Extensive group of drugs, some of which cover other categories, are presented and explained here.

This type of medicine affects health in several ways:

  • Cell membrane stabilization. Because of this, the strength of the cytoplasmic membrane increases, the load tolerance at the micro level.
  • Increased production of energy-rich compounds. Provides brain structure, nerve tissue with useful substances, as a result, improves memory.
  • Acceleration of transport and glucose utilization. Thanks to this, the brain cells receive more nutrients and absorb them better.
  • Acceleration of nerve impulse transmission in cerebral structures.

Nootropics are pills for memory, improving concentration, speed and quality of thinking, they are represented by a number of subgroups:

Acetylcholine precursor

Meclofenoxate, deanol aceglumate. At the biochemical level, they stimulate brain work, increasing the intensity of nerve impulse transmission.

Tolerates well, but only in measured doses. With excessive or excessive consumption of active ingredients, they cause seizures, psychotic disorders, and brain disorders.

Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited.

Pyrolidine derivatives

Piracetam, Aniracetam, Dupracetam and a dozen other variations. In terms of clinical effectiveness, they are almost identical. Only the main indications are different: one drug is effective for prevention, the other as a measure of recovery from stroke, etc.

Many of the names described are complex drugs that affect several pathological aspects: disorders in the biochemistry of the brain, quality of cerebral blood flow, and cessation of oxidative processes in the central nervous system.

Amino Acids

The most popular option is Glycine. This drug is universal, it is prescribed for adult and pediatric patients.

Has certain activities that are relatively weak. Therefore, it is not suitable for the correction of complex pathological processes.

As an assistant in basic techniques or disease prevention - it works well. Amino acids, like other organic compounds, can trigger allergies. Therefore, when receiving, you need to use maximum discretion.


Drugs to improve memory are prescribed as a preventive measure or restoration of brain function after TBI, stroke, and inflammatory processes.

They have no hormonal activity, as their high degree of purification practically does not cause allergic reactions.

Often used as a therapeutic basis for mild to moderate illness.

Analog GABA

Aminobutyric Gamma Acid and others are inexpensive pills to increase brain activity. They mimic the action of special organic matter, which accelerates the transmission of nerve impulses in the cerebral structure.

This type of drug also has other effects: antiplatelet, psychostimulating, sedative. True, to a very small degree.

This fund is suitable for long term use.

Pyrodoxine derivatives

A powerful drug, a stimulant of tissue metabolism. They help improve memory and brain function, eliminate excessive nervous tension, and correct the manifestations of addiction (cravings for alcohol, nicotine). But you can not take it for a long time.

Nootropics are not comic medicine. All suggestions on "overclocking" the brain, which are actively discussed on the internet, are dangerous delusions.

Funds can only be taken based on instructions, when there is direct physician consent. If the funds are taken improperly, according to the wrong scheme, in excessive doses, the biochemistry of the brain can be put into chaos.

It is fraught with psychosis, increased risk of schizophrenia, extrapiramidal disorders (seizures, problems with physical activity).

A large number of pills explained for memory and improving brain function can only be taken by adults: children's nervous tissue, biochemistry of the central nervous system has not settled, the risk of mental destruction is high even with proper and accurate intake according to the scheme.

Antioxidants & Vitamins

The oxidative process of a cell is the phenomenon of the transfer of electrons from the shell atoms of the cytological structure to substances that affect aggressively in tissues.

The result is a violation of membrane integrity and cell death due to the inability to mimic from the external environment, usually transporting material. As a result of the reaction, ions are formed, which are also capable of destroying other structures.

If we ignore biochemistry, oxidation causes the death of entire tissues, a gradual decline in body systems. The brain also suffers, and therefore memory, attention, thought.

Interestingly, this phenomenon is quite physiological, it plays one of the important roles in the aging process.

The challenge is to stop the bad changes. Antioxidant group preparations can help in this regard.

They can be divided into 3 broad categories:

  • Enzymes and minerals. The first has the ability to speed up the natural processes in the body. Including, free radical binding and its rapid removal from body structure.

Minerals are the constituent components of many organic molecules. Their system does not know how to synthesize, substances come from outside with food. The main elements that can fight radicals are selenium, manganese and zinc.

  • Flavanoids. Low molecular weight compounds. Due to their structural features, they are able to bind free radicals on their own, attaching charged particles (ions) to themselves. Naturally, this is an organic structure.

The most famous are tannins, quercetin (found in tea and more), catechin (found in quality grapes)

  • Vitamins. A, E, B, C. In sufficient quantities, they can protect the body from harmful threats.

Drugs to improve memory group of antioxidants act as a helper to the main treatment, their task is to prevent pathological processes of the central nervous system, slow down the aging of tissues, therefore it is suitable for elderly patients.

Remedy for disorders of lipid metabolism

Disruption of higher nerve activity can be caused by atherosclerosis of the cerebral vessels.

This phenomenon is associated with disorders of fat metabolism in the body, the deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels. As a result, mechanical barriers to blood movement were created.

Trophism of cerebral structure suffers significantly. In the final stages of the disorder, the possibility of stroke.

Pathological processes can last for years, gradually deteriorating the quality of memory and thinking. To restore the work of the central nervous system, in this case, special medication is enough.

To restore lipid metabolism, cleanse the blood vessels:

  • Statin. Inhibits fat production. This type of medication must be used with caution. Especially early generation funds. They cause many side effects.
  • Fibrate is prescribed for some form of hyperlipidemia or as part of therapy along with statins.
  • Nicotinic acid. Appointed only according to instructions. Because the drug is difficult to tolerate.

Correction of brain disorders is done by using this method in different combinations.

Drugs to lower blood pressure

Disorders of higher neural activity may be associated with increased blood pressure. Brain tissue trophism suffers. The result is a problem with memory, attention.

These drugs are available in several groups:

  • Beta blockers. Metoprolol tartrate, Bisoprolol fumarate, Propranolol hydrochloride and a dozen other variations.
  • Calcium antagonists. Calm the blood vessels, dilute the pressure level.
  • ACE Inhibitor. A drug that slows down the production of a special substance, angiotensin. It improves arterial tone.
  • Diuretics. Drugs that remove excess fluid.
  • Means Central Action. They regulate the work of blood vessels at the level of the brain itself.

All are used strictly according to the instructions.

Note: Improper combination of "planting" kidney, heart. This is a situation when treatment is more dangerous than the disease itself.

Means to increase blood pressure

Low blood pressure values ​​affect thinking and memory, and even worse. Because with trophism of insufficient cerebral structure, there is a problem in the work of the brain: with memory, thinking.

Correcting low blood pressure is difficult. Prescription herbal preparations (Eleutherococcus, Ginseng, Schisandra). Also a tonic. All the drugs that increase blood pressure are explained in this article.

A major role is given to the treatment of primary pathology, the cause of the disorder. Also lifestyle and dietary changes.

This is not an easy task. I need the help of an efficient cardiologist. Neurologists are involved as needed.


Drugs, even when used properly, can pose a risk. To keep it to a minimum, keep in mind a few nuances:

  • Vitamins improve memory and attention, but only in physiologically appropriate doses: the principle of "more, more effective" does not work here, the development of hypervitaminosis, disorders of the heart, blood vessels, cerebral structures, connective tissue and endocrine system.
  • Nootropics at the wrong dose lead to psychosis, destruction of nerve fibers. They should not be used without the permission and instructions of a doctor.
  • Products based on plants, organic components (proteins, amino acids, enzymes) often cause allergies. This is a consequence of their nature. Therefore, you need to take care of your health.
  • Pills that improve brain function, including nootropic, cerebrovascular are contraindicated for tumors of the central nervous system, disorders such as multiple sclerosis in the relapse phase. Because the pathological process will be accelerated and worsened.

No medication should be taken alone. The purpose of treatment is the final level of correction, the tip of the iceberg. It is preceded by a full diagnosis.

In all cases, you should contact your specialist.

Checking is required for memory impairment

Neurologists study the characteristics of the disorder. If necessary, specialists in cardiology and endocrinology participate in this case.

To make a diagnosis, you need the following procedure:

  • Patient interview.
  • Taking anamnesis.
  • EEG. To investigate the electrical activity of the central nervous system.
  • Duplex scan of the brain ducts.
  • Ultrasound techniques that provide information on the structure and activity of arterial function.
  • X-ray of the skull.
  • MRI on request.
  • Measurement of blood pressure: routine or daily.
  • ECHO-KG, EKG. Cardiac research.

Memory drugs are designed to fight the cause. It makes no sense to correct higher neural activity without eliminating the underlying cause of the disorder.